Newsletters 2020
God’s amazing resources. Over 32,000 species, often with a rich diversity of varieties.
Good news for a hungry world. Getting information from our Centre to the needy world.
Information has to be both available and applied.
Technology is good but not the answer for the world
Putting faith into practice using good stewardship of resources; using food plant diversity wisely and well
Coronavirus could create an economic crisis. Putting Christian faith into practice.
Yams are a culturally popular and easily storable food. Our database has 169 edible yam species (Dioscorea).
Edible plants in the taro family in Papua New Guinea. Enjoying diversity in local plants.
Rediscovering traditional knowledge can be fun!
Learning to enjoy diversity in edible plants
Protection from infection requires good
There are over 1,000 herbs and spices to make food taste good.
Preparing and using edible plants well.
More information is needed on edible plants in Tasmania